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Who Put The Play Doh Away?

When no one is watching, my almost four year old has little moments of big kid responsible behaviour.
For instance yesterday, I went down to the basement to find that the Play Doh he had been playing with had been put back in the containers with the lids sealed. Today his lunch plate was put on the counter after he'd finished eating, as was his empty juice cup the other day.
I'm finding examples like this daily now, which make me think that either we have a ghost or my incessant nagging has finally kicked in.
Then there was today... I heard him coming up the stairs from the basement, muttering to himself:
"Hafta take deez off. Dey all wet"
Hmmm. "Buddy... what's wet?"
"Mine pants, Mommy"
I met him at the top of the stairs to see that he was stripped from the waist down, carrying his underwear and pants. When I asked him how he'd gotten wet, his response suggested that we still have some work to do on the big kid stuff:

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